Tuesday, March 15, 2016

New K9 Nosework Kit!!!!

Hurray...Just finished building our new scent kit for Nosework! In case you are wondering....

I buy the oils straight off Amazon and have been very happy with them for the past 4 years. I use Nature's Kiss brand, but I think as long as you get the scientific name right off the NACSW website and it's 100% pure you should be fine. I liked that brand because when you take the top off the jar has a built in dropper on it. I have not had to replace vials of oils!

Tins and q-tips and containers were a different story, they were everywhere...it was time to take my pile of glass baby food jars, re-purposed mason jars,  and jam jars and revamp my whole collection.

I have a toddler so I got rid of the rare earth magnets and switched to quake hold putty (also from Amazon)...it's not as convenient on metal items as the magnets were, but I feel safer not having rare earth magnets in the tins, and now I can stick hides to just about anything!

I bought new jars...the baby food jars worked great, but I wanted a uniform look and plastic instead of glass. Glass holds odor better, but the plastic doesn't shatter when my toddler gets a hold of it and throws it (he's REALLY fast!!!).

Next came the hides themselves...I prefer the slide tins the best, the are slim and don't need holes punched in them, but sometimes a lip balm tube really is better so I bought 4 of each of these:

Slide Tins

Lip Balm Tubes

I just saw the lip balm tubes also come in oval....super cool! I probably would have gone with those if they had had them at the time....oh well, they're cheap if I decide to replace them :)

I love the Elements website because it's super cheap, shipping is very fast and reasonable priced, but mostly they have NO minimums of any order...I could literally order one slide tin if I wanted and it gets to the Atlanta area in 2 days! They are my only source for containers....can't say enough about how happy I am with their company!

Then lastly I bought waterproof labels...again Elements! No minimum I don't have to buy a whole pack of labels just one sheet. You probably already have these at home.

Now what to store it all in???

Enter the Pelican Case $29 on sale and absolutely awesome. I was able to customize the inserts however I wanted and it fits everything...three odor vials, three jars of q-tips and straws, 4 lip balm containers (1 for each odor and 1 for a combo) 4 slide tins (1 for each odor and 1 combo) and a slot for the quakehold (still wrapped in paper of course.

Here is the finished product...

I've been using it for a few weeks now and cannot tell you how much I am enjoying it. When William gets older I may switch back to glass jars and put magnets back in the tins, but I will still keep the quakehold regardless...awesome stuff and completely reusable. Now I just grab and go and I have set up to 5 search areas and never have to stop and sniff the tins to get them back in the correct jar anymore!!!!

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